33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 18, 2018

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)


The other day early in the morning I was driving WEST. I noticed the other drivers, who were driving EAST, right into the rising sun…. they were all wearing SUNGLASSES!!!

VERY SMART of them….. Because they wanted to SEE!!!

Isn’t that true of all of us…..???? We want to see…CLEARLY

We want to understand things,
To be in the light,
To know WHAT’S AHEAD for us???

Catholics want to SEE:

1. Social Justice being done in the world
2. Immigrants being taken care of, welcomed , healed
3. Leadership being honest, forthright, and caring
4. Transparency in their churches
5. Kindness and acceptance to people of all races, creeds, lifestyles….no prejudices

In other words……………..Catholics want the REIGN OF JESUS CHRIST to be recognized and lived out ….we want the KINGDOM OF GOD here on earth to be JUST AS JESUS created.

The other day, at the school Mass, I asked the children…where do you live??? Of course, the answers came………………
Cuyahoga Falls
Silver Lake

I had to tell them…………………NO!!!!

You don’t live in those cities….. YOU LIVE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD. That’s the appropriate answer.

All of us are living here and now in the KINGDOM OF GOD… not sure what that zip code is,

But, brothers and sisters, that should be our mentality. We are the “elect” as Jesus calls us in today’s Gospel of Mark, living in the KINGDOM, acting in the KINGDOM, as Jesus expects.

God wants us to be in our best behaviors, ALL THE TIME! In our thoughts, words, and deeds!


AS you come to church this weekend and in the next few weekends…. It is all about waking us up as to how we are living in these days, wanting us to recognize and see that it is MOST APPROPRIATE to make sure we are living lives as JESUS intended for His church, His KINGDOM here on earth, for we know not the day, the time, nor the hour, when the Son of Man will come!

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