First Communion Weekend

Dear Parishioners,

This is FIRST COMMUNION weekend and thirty-seven second graders will approach the altar of sacrifice to receive the real presence of Jesus Christ, in the form of consecrated bread and wine, for their first time. I wish them holy congratulations! I am grateful to their parents, our teachers, and our catechists, partnering with IHM School and PSR to get them ready for this BIG STEP in their lives.

At the end of the month, on Sunday, May 26th, at the 10:00am Mass, I will administer the sacrament of Confirmation to one teenager and Eucharist to two teenagers. Their requests were to become fully initiated and united into their Catholic faith and that is beautiful. Our church membership continues to grow! Amazing!

Then, on Pentecost Sunday, June 9th, three more children will PROFESS the Catholic faith and begin to share in the Eucharist at the 10:00am Mass. Again, these are families uniting in the Catholic religion, recognizing its strengths and disciplines for their lives. Beautiful!

Remember, we already have brought into full communion 11 at the Easter Vigil this past month!

It has been a great and full year as people inquire about the Catholic Church and then take the meaningful steps for their conversion.

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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