First Sunday of Advent Homily – November 28, 2021

First Sunday of Advent ( C )

When we were children, our mother wanted us kids to always STAND UP STRAIGHT

To do so SHE MADE US WALK AROUND THE LIVING ROOM balancing a book on our heads!!

It was crazy, but we did it!
I mention this because JESUS says to you and me:
“Stand erect and raise your heads!”
He is talking about when terrible things happen what to do!
“Stand erect and raise your heads!”

Two years now my personal prayers have evolved more so around YOU and praying that you are living well through this pandemic.
I feel for you.
I worry for you.
I want the best for you.

My first pastor was a smart guy … FATHER JACK DALTON! He was sixty something and I was twenty-six, so he took me under his spiritual wings to teach, guide, and advise. He said,

“Jimmy, when difficult things occur, when terrible things happen, you cannot avoid them; you cannot run around them or sidestep them…. you have to walk THROUGH THEM!”

I always have appreciated that advice. You and I need to stand erect and walk through these days of pandemic with great HOPE!

How revelatory that we begin this ADVENT SEASON with this GOSPEL from Luke telling us
-Nations will be in dismay
-People will die of fright for what is happening in the world

I know this reading is not particularly about the pandemic, but I cannot help to relate the pandemic to the coming of God’s second Judgement.

I cannot help but think that GOD is loving us today in 2021 in these readings, bolstering us to stand erect and walk through this pandemic knowing that the promise of heaven and the coming second judgement of God on this world will not remove the pains and craziness of this present world.

The promise of HEAVEN should give us hope, strength, and peace during life’s most difficult seasons as we have been experiencing these days!


So, we are invited to think about eternal life in heaven during this season of Advent and during this pandemic. Let us sit up straight, keep our heads up, and walk through this pandemic and Advent season together knowing that GOD IS WITH US!

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