Holy Family Sunday Homily – December 27, 2020


INTRO: I was diagnosed at a very early age with poor eyesight.

The eye doctor called it “LAZY EYE” in my right eye. I hated that diagnosis! I am not LAZY. My brother with perfect eye sight teased me mercilessly.

“Lazy eye
Lazy eye
Jimmy’s got a lazy eye!

Oh well.

There were all kinds of exercises to perform…. And there was a patch to wear!!!

NOT MUCH COULD BE DONE… so I began wearing glasses at a very young age ………………….

I was wearing glasses in order to see well!
AS Christians we are asked to see well…….

We are asked to see CHRIST in our brothers and sisters….all of our brothers and sisters!

Well how’s that going for you?

I know it is not easy as we get prejudiced, picky, and humanly judgmental…even if it’s only in our “mind’s eye”.

Families experience sibling turmoil for whatever reasons that sometimes separate them from one another.

Even in marriages sometimes spouses cannot see the good first.

BUT we are taught today by Simeon and Anna who BOTH saw the CHRIST in the human
Jesus of Nazareth.

Children are to respect their parents, seeing CHRIST in them
Husbands and wives are asked to respect one another seeing Christ in each other.

Neighbors need to get along as well as people of all races, creeds, and beliefs. We are all made in the image of CHRIST and that should be seen FIRST and FOREMOST.

And what is our “assistance or help” in being able to do just this ALL THE TIME?

What is our eye glasses prescription?

It comes in the form of bread and wine. It is our Eucharist that we consume in order to have JESUS affect our lives and eyesight!

Have mercy on those:
Who act differently?
Who dress differently?
Who look differently?
Who think differently?

And the list could go on…..

Christ wanted unity among ALL people and that can only happen when it begins with each of us starting the trend, starting the movement of peaceful relations by looking at others and seeing all others as if you and I were seeing JESUS.

Happy Holy Family

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