Homebound Communion – Emailed June 6, 2020

Dear Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound:

At this time and if you feel comfortable and your homebound persons that receive you and the Eucharist are comfortable you can begin to serve in this ministry.

It will be advisable that you minister the Eucharist with a mask on. You should inform the homebound of this and request to receive the Eucharist in their hand. Likewise, you should sanitize your hands BEFORE and AFTER this ministry.

To All Parishioners:

There are many parishioners who will be remaining at home watching Mass on the live stream. I am reaching out to you to find out if you would receive an EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION into your homes to provide you with this sacrament. IHM can work out a way to possibly provide you with the Eucharist once a month on a mutually agreed upon scheduled time during the month of June. If you are interested please contact Julie Bowling at jbowling@ihmcfo.org or call the Parish Office.

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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