Fourth Sunday of Lent (A) – Spiritual Blindness

Fourth Sunday of Lent (A)


It was an early diagnosis for me that my RIGHT EYE is “lazy”. They called it: amblyopia. People also have other kinds of physical blindness that is far worse than a lazy eye ……. that some of you may have; that some of you have gotten either through human accidents or other kinds of degenerative situations in the eye that hinder you unable to see. So…….There is PHYSICAL BLINDNESS in the world!

There is also: SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS that typically results from some tragedy in the world where individuals elect and choose to refuse to see a good GOD at all because they, or someone they know, suffered a traumatic loss, like a loss of a child or spouse or some world natural disasters. There is SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS in the world!

One of CHRIST’S major teaching for those of you entering the Catholic faith at this Easter vigil is knowing that GOD IS WITH US no matter what!

The truth is that we are all BLIND to some degree; ALL OF US! We all have honest questions and doubts. We do question and wonder where God is in our lives or if God is there at all…….when senseless acts take place on the streets, in the schools, throughout the world, and right here in our own city!

I know you wrestle with that question: “Is God really around?” It’s very human to experience that wonder and doubt, but for the answer: ….. The church DOES NOT HAVE ONE, nor do I.

Your answer TO THESE DOUBTS and QUESTIONS comes from your own heart, YOUR OWN “PURIFIED” HEART that is actually granted to you by GOD!

How does this happen? Getting a purified heart!!!!

Well, remember Jesus answered correctly the Pharisees’ question about which is the greatest commandment. He by-passed the thousands of laws and numerous legal followings of the Jews, answering the question by reducing them all to TWO commandments:
And basically, that love of God and Neighbor needs FORGIVENESS and when there is forgiveness one receives a purified heart!

Let me explain: I won’t ask you to raise your hands but how many of you have ever said: “I’m mad at you!”
This phrase is used multiple times between:
Brothers and sisters
“Your brother takes your toy and breaks it… what do you say: I’m mad at you!” What good does that do?
Spouses do it
Team mates each do it!!

You name it WE ALL HAVE PROBABLY USED THE PHRASE… and unfortunately, some of us, the spiritually blind, can’t let go of being mad.

My friends, our EASTER JESUS, taught the world, not to be mad, but to FORGIVE…. What did he say on the cross???
I’m mad at you for hanging me here!!!
He said: Forgive them for they know not what they do.

He taught you and me to imitate Him and turn anger at someone or something into FORGIVING THAT SOMEONE OR SOMETHING!!!

That’s one way how spiritual blindness is purified and healed.
Be a person, be a church of forgiveness.

All in all, your teaching today is that:
GOD IS WITH US no matter what.

Believe this truth and not like those in the story today who just couldn’t go there. Be like the man born blind and SEE: God is with us no matter what happens! Forgive others. Forgive life.


  1. Reply
    Suzanne Sharnsky says:

    Beautiful. ….

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