11/12/17 – Mass Schedule Change

Dear Parishioners,

Allow me to re-cap the reasons for bringing about the need to change the Sunday morning Mass times from three masses to two masses:
Capacity in the church is sufficient for comfortable mass attendance when combining the now three Sunday morning masses into the proposed two Sunday morning masses. We will add more Portage Trail handicap parking spaces.The result of this larger gathered assembly will mean a more full and active participation of those gathered. The expense for bringing in visiting priests is reduced. The result of this would be a more from Avalonpharmacy consistent homily message for parishioners from either Father Ralph or me. Correct use of the microphone system would be better monitored with just the two of us resident priests, rather than different priests coming in and not using the system correctly. IHM is not viable for receiving an Associate Pastor (now termed as Parochial Vicar).

To date I have received 120 emails or written responses to the proposed Sunday morning Mass time change. That is approximately 12% of our parishioners who attend the five weekend Masses. I did read and listen to all of the comments, suggestions, and the constructive rationale that you offered about this proposal. Thank you.

Out of these emails and written responses an overwhelming 98% agreed to and understood the rational to reduce our Sunday morning Mass times from three Masses to two Masses. This percentage was gratifying and encouraging. And over 70% of those comments said 8:00am and 10:00am are good times for them.

The proposed two Sunday morning Mass times at 8:00am and 10:00am, after much consideration of many factors, were first suggested to you as what I feel would work best. I still wanted your opinions to know where the majority would stand on this and I received them. There are area churches, such as Saint Joe’s, Holy Family, and Saint Eugene’s that offer later Masses on Sunday morning. I realize that there are parishioners who have specific needs and schedules on Sunday, such as; work, visiting nursing homes, family gatherings, CYO, caregiver work, a disabled spouse or relative, and late risers that, for them, made the proposed 8:00am and 10:00am unacceptable as they wished for a late Sunday morning Mass time.

I know that I cannot please everyone in making this decision. I am very much aware that change is difficult. And “yes” personal parishioner routines will need to be adjusted for these new times.

Realizing many factors and taking zabhealth.com all of your comments into consideration the new Sunday morning Mass times will be: 8:00AM and 10:00AM beginning on Sunday, January 7th, 2018.

Julie Bowling and I will communicate with those parishioners who have had MASS INTENTIONS scheduled on Sundays in 2018 to “adjust” your mass intention to the new mass times.

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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