Maintenance Update – Emailed July 20, 2020


Dear Parishioners,

In the last few weeks, Dennis Smith, Full Time Maintenance here at IHM was “mechanically” lifted to the skies to perform various repairs on our buildings having the use of this rented machine. He is NOT AFRAID OF HEIGHTS! He was diligently safety careful with helmet and straps.

Roofs were checked, gutters, downspouts, and scuppers were cleaned out (tons of debris in them!!!) building security and safety lights were either repaired or newly installed, several panes of safety glass covering the stained glass windows of the church were installed, glazed and painted, and many, many dead tree limbs were cut down all around our campus, while many trees were pruned so as to not have their limbs touch the buildings!

This is quite a scheduling feat to get all of this accomplished and saving us money. There was, so far, almost NO RAIN, but of course, SCORCHING HEAT!

Dennis tries his best to be pro-active for preventative maintenance. If you see him, give him your applause and thanks for these adventurous tasks!

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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