More on the Liturgical Change Coming for IHM Masses

Dear Parishioners,


It is always good to plan and think ahead. So this pastor letter is to prepare us that the entire diocese will unite in a liturgical posture of standing
After the Lamb of God,
For the singing of the entire communion song, and
During the complete distribution of Holy Communion to all.

This will begin on Saturday, April 27th, 2019 at the 4:30pm Mass.

Therefore, only when the last person receives communion all may sit or kneel, not before, especially not after one individually receives Holy Communion. Please remain standing.

For years we were taught to “be with Jesus” after the reception of Holy Communion, to kneel down and make a personal conversation with Jesus. That teaching was done in a time period where communal “participation” in the liturgy was minimal and personal piety and devotion were proper.

Today, active participation is integral in the liturgy, whether it be SINGING, STANDING, RESPONDING, KNEELING, or SITTING. This new standing posture will be a change for us.

Our new diocesan Bishop has observed the posture differences in parish churches as he celebrated Masses throughout the diocese and simply asked the Diocesan Liturgical Commission why were some parishes doing this and some parishes doing that?

It was explained to him that while in 2003, The International Liturgical Commission promulgated this world-wide STANDING posture as explained above, in our diocese many parishes DID NOT COMPLY to those new norms, and, sorry to say, ours was one of them.

I am asking that we begin to UNITE with the new norms of 2003 for the standing posture and comply with the Diocesan Bishop’s request. I do not want to make this difficult for anyone as I do understand one’s personal piety after receiving Holy Communion, but, I want us to be obedient, with knowledge about the WHY, and be liturgically current.

I would be heartbroken if our IHM parish became stubborn to this change where some of us don’t remain standing. Change is always difficult. Certainly we have parishioners coming to Mass that are disabled and cannot remain standing for a long period of time! This is a perfectly reasonable exception to this new norm.

Please see the inserts provided here 0407097Flyer_PosturesandGestures that explain this new standing posture. Different teachings will be in our bulletin for you to read and learn.

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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