Pastor Letter – Better Together Initiative – September 1, 2019

Dear Parishioners,

Undoubtedly, everyone has heard the phrase, “better together” and perhaps has used this phrase to describe family unity, world peace, or a marriage union. Today, in our diocese and for our Catholic schools, BETTER TOGETHER describes an academic initiative framing the success of students. One example for this special education initiative is helping students progress well who have dyslexia.

This special education program provides equal access for these students to curriculum and extra-curricular activities regardless of their challenges.

Two of our IHM teachers, Aimee Gearhart and Sandy Leyden, serve as IHM’s Inclusion Coordinators. They attended multiple BETTER TOGETHER in-service days to learn how to best assess the needs of students with challenges, as well as learning certain strategies, tools, and techniques that can be used inside the classroom.

Many of you reading this pastor letter are teachers and or are interested in our IHM School. The direction of this initiative provides for more collaboration among teachers, offers a common vocabulary to assess student needs, and affords a system-wide documentation that ensures students are not just being accommodated, but, are getting the services needed for their progression!

I am proud that our school contributes to the well-being of all our children and implementing the BETTER TOGETHER INITIATIVE!

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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