Pastor Letter – Catholic Schools Week 2020 – February 2, 2020

Dear Parishioners,

Being away in Cancun, Mexico always has its advantages, but, coming home for next weekend has even more blessings because the church will celebrate having a mission to educate children in our catholic elementary school and its Pre-K program! Join me for a CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK MASS on Sunday at 10:00am which will conclude this year’s 2020 Catholic Schools Week!

I continue to be thankful to God and our Bishop for appointing me to be a Pastor of a church that has a school! I am truly blessed. It is a great life!

Catholic Schools Week inaugurates the new 2020-2021 registration process for returning students, new students into grades 1-8, kindergarten students, and Pre-K students. IHM School has one classroom for Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, and Second grades, but, two classrooms for grades three through eight. There are full time aides in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First grade.

Be ready to thank God at Mass for such a long standing mission. Our elementary school has 267 students in grades K-8. There are 16 students in Pre-K! So, 283 students are being prepared to become faith-centered, life-long learners who contribute positively to society.

After Mass make it your friendly mission to step foot into the school, receive a tour guided by our School Ambassadors, meet the IHM Faculty, take interest in the Marty Meadows MakerSpace, and look into BRIGHT BEGINNINGS, our Pre-K classroom!

Also, part of this celebration will be a special PANCAKE BREAKFAST, held in the ALL PURPOSE ROOOM/School Cafeteria, served by Nick Ciriello of the Ciriello and Carr Funeral Home, his helpers, and our school parents! This PANCAKE BREAKFAST is not just for school families. All are welcome to enjoy a delicious home-cooked Sunday breakfast. Free will offering too!

See you next week!

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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