Pastor Letter – Receiving Communion during COVID – Emailed March 4, 2021

Dear Parishioners,

It seems there are more people attending our weekend liturgies. I love that! The safety and good health for all is still necessary to oblige when at Mass, even if mass goers are vaccinated. So, I just want to remind and require that we all care for the benefit of others when we are in public spaces, like our church building.

Our communion ministers, who volunteer to serve the real presence of Jesus Christ in the form of communion bread are most vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19. With that said, when someone walks up to the communion minister and pulls their mask down to say AMEN, simply speaking that one word so close to someone jeopardizes that communion minister and can spread the virus to them. So please leave on your mask to say Amen, then move off to the side to remove your mask, receive Christ, replace your mask, and return to your seat.

On another note, with more people attending mass who may be doing so for the first time since last year, they may not realize to “put down” the kneeler after Mass for sanitizing purposes. I and the other presiders/deacon will have to make that announcement at the end of mass on a regular basis.

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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