Pastor Letter – Rediscovering the Saints – December 22, 2019

Dear Parishioners,

With the help of our IHM “ambassador” for DYNAMIC CATHOLIC, I was able to order and GIFT all of you with a religious Christmas gift book called REDISCOVER THE SAINTS! They are on the tables all around the church this weekend. PLEASE help yourselves to this book, either for yourself, or for you to GIFT to a friend or family member, maybe even gift it to someone “struggling” to attend church or who has been absent awhile from going to Mass. God works in mysterious ways!

It seems so simple, but, giving everyone a great Catholic book at Christmas really brings to all homes a Catholic environment for you and for your Christmas guests and family to see when they visit you! Place it on a table where all can view it! And of course, read it when you have the time!

This book, REDISCOVER THE SAINTS, is NOT a dense biography about the saints. This is an invitation to all who read it to reflect on how the saints are active in your life and to let the saints be even more involved in your life, each and every day!

So, a very MERRY CHRISTMAS all of you! May you enjoy this book; REDISCOVER THE SAINTS!

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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