Third Sunday of Easter – April 26, 2020

Third Sunday of Easter (A) 2020


I see more and more people, spending time walking around these days during this pandemic …. Right here on Portage Trail; husbands and wives, families; even Kira and Jeff from the Life Teen Band took their 3 kids to INDIGO LAKE the other day for a nature hike…trying to do social distancing as they see in a distance another family coming toward them…and lo and behold it was our IHM SCHOOL family the Norton’s and their 5 boys!!!……… A surprise and beautiful SAFE DISTANCE reunion as they enjoyed their walk.

You all know I like a good walk as well, early in the morning especially!

People my age, when we were in grade school, all walked there. I was thinking back on that… in the 60’s.
We window-shopped along the way ….
• There was this KNICK KNACK STORE that had all kinds of treasures. I remember buying a BLESSED MOTHER STATUE for my mom…. I think it was 25 cents!
• There was a bakery… smelled so good
• There were two LAKEWOOD BARS that we had to pass…. One was called THE PLAYBOY LOUNGE. We were instructed to walk real fast and DON’T LOOK IN THE WINDOWS!

What a good walk does  for the HEART, for your spirit, or for your mind ….. Going from one place to the next andMEETING ONE’S DESTINAT ION.

And so where is your destination these days while STUCK AT HOME? Hmmmmm???

Obviously the church portrays good walking with the two disciples who are leaving JERUSALEM making their destination to EMMAUS! Such were their plans.

We all had such PLANS in the month of MARCH and through the month of APRIL. Surprise, they got changed!
Whatever the reason is that our plans got changed, let’s put JESUS into the equation, His deep love for each of us, His mercy extended to all of us when we sin, and His tug at our hearts to patiently endure what has come our way. Let’s live in His imitation, taking it all in and making the best of it.


I have said it before, even the Blessed mother’s DESTINATION in life GOT CHANGED with the ANNUNCIATION that she was to be the mother of God and what does she say:
Let it be done to me as you say!

HER planned destination, whatever it was, never mattered to her.

And so where is your planned destination these days while STUCK AT HOME? Hmmmmm???

Well, you really do not have one as IT is in the mind of GOD, one day at a time for each of us to TRUST IN A GOOD WALK WITH GOD!

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