Summer Book Club
Summer Book Club Reading and studying “The Strangeness of Truth: Vibrant Faith in a Dark World” by Fr. Damian Ference July 10th – July 31st – 4 weeks on Wednesday mornings (free childcare) 9:30 to 11am
Summer Book Club Reading and studying “The Strangeness of Truth: Vibrant Faith in a Dark World” by Fr. Damian Ference July 10th – July 31st – 4 weeks on Wednesday mornings (free childcare) 9:30 to 11am
To register email [email protected] or go to Deadline is April 22nd.
Join us for IHM LifeTEEN’s 3rd Annual Fundraiser! Saturday, March 16, 2019 Doors open at 5:30pm Parish Community Center 1905 Portage Trail Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 $25.00 per person / / Please RSVP online at and then bring your payment to the Parish Office or put in the collection...
Confirmation for our 8th grade class will be celebrated on Sunday, March 31st at 4:30pm Life Teen Mass with Bishop Perez. Contact [email protected] for more information or to make arrangements.
We hope you join us for the seventh annual IHM Mustang 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk on May 4th, 2019. To register or for more information visit
Hosted at Immaculate Heart of Mary. More info TBA. Contact [email protected]
Children of the parish who are also involved with CYO Spring Sports will participate in the 10:00 am Mass.
Children of the parish who are also involved with Boy & Girl Scouts will participate in the 10:00 am Mass.
Healing prayer is much more than physical healing. It encompasses healing of the whole person: memories, emotions, fears, anxieties, physical and spiritual. If you feel that you need or desire healing in any area of your life, we invite you to join us for individualized prayer after the 10:00 Mass...