Stations of the Cross

Prayed each Friday of Lent starting on February 16 and concluding on March 23 at 7:00 pm in the Church. February 16: Traditional February 23: Life Teen March 2: Pro-Life March 9: Children Involvement March 16: Pro-Life March 23: Mary’s Way

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Women of Faith Evening Book Club – “Loved As I Am: An Invitation to Conversion, Healing, and Freedom through Jesus”

All women are invited to an evening book club “Loved As I Am: An Invitation to Conversion, Healing, and Freedom through Jesus” By Sister Miriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T. “When Sr. Miriam’s life as a successful college athlete proved unfulfilling, she went searching for something deeper and ended up falling in...

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Peter’s Shadow (Healing Prayer)

Healing prayer is much more than physical healing. It encompasses healing of the whole person: memories, emotions, fears, anxieties, physical and spiritual. If you feel that you need or desire healing in any area of your life, we invite you to join us for individualized prayer after the 10:00 Mass...

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Healing Prayer

Invitation for Healing Prayer Healing prayer is much more than physical healing. It encompasses healing of the whole person, memories, emotions, fears, anxiety, physical and spiritual. If you feel that you need or desire healing in any area of your life, we invite you to join us at the...

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