Christ on the Corner Parish Day of Service

Event details

  • Saturday | May 20, 2023
  • All Day
  • 1905 Portage Trail Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
  • 330-351-3064

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Immaculate Heart of Mary will hold its 5th annual Parish Day of Service known as Christ on the Corner (COTC) on May 20, 2023 from 7:30 AM to 3 PM.  Continental breakfast and lunch are included!  We will work on over a dozen different projects.  These project sites varied from working on Habitat for Humanity, Veteran Homes, Gennesaret Food Pantry and many more.  This year we will continue to include many of the same sites. The projects require a wide range of skills, including washing windows, doing yard work, light carpentry and painting.  We also need volunteers as support staff (i.e. registration table, photographer, making and serving food, and packing lunches). We need you no matter what skills and ability you have!  This is a day to help our neighbor, share our God given gifts and enjoy the fellowship with each other.

The event sign-up website is:  

For more information or to help with planning team contact Paul Musso at [email protected] or 330-351-3064.