Event details
- Wednesday | April 10, 2019
- 9:00 am
- Church Hall (basement of the Church) 1905 Portage Trail Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
- 3309298361
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Interior Freedom – by Fr. Jacques Philippe
• April 10th – May 22nd Register by April 3rd
• Bulk order for book – $12
Interior Freedom leads one to discover that even in the most unfavorable outward circumstances we possess within ourselves a space of freedom that nobody can take away, because God is its source and guarantee. Without this discovery we will always be restricted in some way and will never taste true happiness.
Author Jacques Philippe develops a simple but important theme: we gain possession of our interior freedom in exact proportion to our growth in faith, hope, and love. He explains that the dynamism between these three theological virtues is the heart of the spiritual life, and he underlines the key role of the virtue of hope in our inner growth.
Written in a simple and inviting style, Interior Freedom seeks to liberate the heart and mind to live the true freedom to which God calls each one.
Contact Jen Ricard at 330-929-8361 x16 or [email protected].