Women of Faith Morning Study of St. Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering

Event details

  • Wednesday | April 11, 2018
  • 9:15 am
  • 1905 Portage Trail
  • 3309298361 x16

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Come along on a journey through John Paul II’s 1984 letter that tackles the question of how to make sense of suffering. His message is tinged with joy and hope and leaves one with a peaceful sense of being cared for even in the most trying circumstances.

Wednesdays for 8 weeks beginning April 11th, 2018

Mornings – 9:15 to 11:00 am – Church Hall
(Babysitting is available in the morning, please advise if needed.)

• Go to www.EndowGroups.org and click on “join a group”
• Search by class location: Cuyahoga Falls, OH
• Choose either the Wednesday morning or evening class and “add to cart”
• The $30 registration fee includes the course materials plus shipping.

If you have questions or are unable to register online, please contact:
Jen Ricard: [email protected] or 330-929-8361 x16

Please register by Wednesday, April 4th, 2018