Event details
- Wednesday | January 10, 2018
- 9:00 am
- Church Hall - 1905 Portage Trail
- 330-929-8361 x16
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“The Bible and the Virgin Mary: Journey through Scripture” with Dr. Scott Hahn
- Study guide can be downloaded and printed for free at www.formed.org (password 4XKPYC)
- Or the study guide can be purchased at www.stpaulcenter.com
The Bible and the Virgin Mary is a dynamic twelve-part video series that beautifully explains the Catholic truths about Our Lady, showing how she has been a part of God’s plan to bring salvation to the world since the beginning of time. In addition to explanation of dogmas, answers to common objections, and demonstration of Mary’s presence in the Old and New Testaments, this study discusses Church-approved Marian apparitions that play an important role in Catholic Tradition. It’s sure to help Catholics and non-Catholics alike grow in an understanding and appreciation of the Mother of God.
Date: January 10th through March 28th
Time: 9 – 11:00 am (free babysitting is available)
Place: Church Hall
Please RSVP to Jen Ricard: [email protected]