Homilies and Letters

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time© INTRO: I do “fly” at least couple of times a year nowadays, but, the older I get …. Flying causes me to be bit more “jumpy”! When you get on the plane, buckle in, and before taking off, the crew always go through the safety protocol. One of the things […]

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Dear Parishioners, “Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord!” THE IHM ORGAN FUND Established in 2018 For your information, not long ago and after the deaths of some choir members, the IHM ORGAN FUND was established here at IHM. The wishes of the deceased were in response to their knowledge that our church organ behind […]

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20th Sunday in Ordinary Time © 2019 INTRO: It was on a HOT August summer Sunday and just like this past July and August here, we were having all that thunder, lighting and pelting rain. Also us HIGH SCHOOL kids, my sister, brother and I, were ALONE that weekend as my parents went on a […]

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Dear Parishioners, Our FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE cordially invites you to an underwriting opportunity. All fundraisers have these wonderful friends who recognize the behind-the-scenes hard work and costs of all fundraising events. These underwriting donations help accomplish all the initial necessary costs to put on the festival. In other words, these donations become the “starter costs” […]

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19th Sunday in Ordinary Time C INTRO: The story of the Blacksmith By Megan McKenna There was once a BLACKSMITH who worked hard at his trade. The day came for him to die. God sent His angel to the blacksmith, but, to the angel’s surprise……..the blacksmith refused to go!!!!!! The blacksmith pleaded with the angel […]

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Dear Parishioners, The McIntyre Fund The Diocesan Tuition Assistance Fund The Bishop’s Scholarship for Excellence Fund The Thomas Moore Family Scholarship Fund The School Employee Tuition Assistance Fund The Ohio Catholic Federal Credit Union I am so grateful to you for continuing to remember that some school families paying catholic education school tuition have financial […]

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Parish Grounds Maintenance Update

(Printed in the August 4, 2019 bulletin) Dear Parishioners, Many projects for our buildings and grounds were completed this summer, so far. I am so proud of what we can predict to be taken care of to keep our facility in good shape and at the same time surprised at what we need to do […]

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Rented Maintenance Lift

(Printed in July 28, 2019 bulletin) Dear Parishioners, IHM Had a Rented Lift for a Few Weeks In the last few weeks, Dennis Smith, Full Time Maintenance here at IHM, was “mechanically” lifted to the skies to perform various repairs on our buildings having the use of this machine. He is NOT AFRAID OF HEIGHTS! […]

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16th Sunday in ORDINARY TIME © INTRO: tell story of the famous and wise professor!!! A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him!!! WORDLESSLY, when it was time for the class to begin, he picked up a very large and empty JAR and proceeded to fill it with […]

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Dear Parishioners, LITURGICAL CHANGE AT IHM MASSES THE STANDING POSTURE YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!! This pastor letter is to remind us that the entire diocese is to unite in a liturgical posture of standing After the Lamb of God, For the singing of the entire communion song, and During the complete distribution of Holy Communion […]

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