Homilies and Letters

Fourth Sunday of Easter © INTRO: True story: Many years ago fire was consuming an apartment building in New York City. A blind girl was trapped on the fourth floor, perched on a window ledge. Firefighters could not maneuver their ladder truck between the buildings, so a net was set up to catch the teenage […]

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Dear Parishioners, The Diocese is so grateful to anyone who contributes to their annual Catholic Charities Appeal and they understand that not all parishioners have the funds available for such causes. NEXT WEEKEND the second half of the 2019 Catholic Charities Appeal will be conducted. Those of you who did not yet respond to the […]

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Third Sunday of EASTER © First Eucharist INTRO: When I was growing up, I was a human EATING MACHINE………… believe it or not ….. ALWAYS HUNGRY, ALWAYS EATING…….”sweets”… Oh my!!! My father would call me “PIE-FACE”. But Dad would always say… YOU JIM ARE A “MYSTERY” to me???? YOU EAT AND EAT AND EAT…. And […]

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First Communion Weekend

Dear Parishioners, This is FIRST COMMUNION weekend and thirty-seven second graders will approach the altar of sacrifice to receive the real presence of Jesus Christ, in the form of consecrated bread and wine, for their first time. I wish them holy congratulations! I am grateful to their parents, our teachers, and our catechists, partnering with […]

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Dear Parishioners, I am hoping that many parishioners and families will get behind an upcoming wonderful event called: CHRIST ON THE CORNER “Go out to all the world” What is this all about? It is a parish day of prayer and service to the needy in our area. We will evangelize, possibly make disciples, and […]

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Easter Vigil – April 20, 2019

The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night 2019 Intro: Growing up….. Our family had lots of parties! That meant A LOT OF CHORES put on us kids!! And A LOT of work put upon our mom! (Somehow, Dad got to be free from all of this. ?????) Anyway, when we all were getting into the […]

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Good Friday – April 19, 2019

Good Friday 2019 INTRO: In my parents’ BIG house, which is now sold, there was this TREE in the backyard! When we had first moved into that house the backyard was a mess and I was a young boy at the time. We 5 kids were given a HOUSE-WARMING present from our father… FIVE SHOVELS […]

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Holy Thursday – April 18, 2019

Holy Thursday 2019 INTRO There is a set place for you and me…… + When we were kids ….. there was a set place for each of us at the dinner table. I was always to the right of my father…. I was a S L O W – eater and he could help me […]

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Happy Easter!

Dear Parishioners, Happy Easter to all of you. May the Risen Christ, uphold you, embrace you, sustain you, and maintain you! Remember, next week, at Mass, there will be a new posture of standing AFTER the LAMB OF GOD, until the last person receives Holy Communion. The following is a brief understanding of this change. […]

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Holy Week is Upon Us….

Dear Parishioners, Holy Week is upon us. Think about attending the Triduum services this week as part of your spiritual growth. Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday at 7:00pm Friday of the Passion of the Lord at either 3:00pm or 7:00pm Night Watch of the Resurrection on Saturday at 7:30pm Also, this will […]

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