Homilies and Letters

INTRO: I had a couple of nicknames growing up… 1. one was “Jimbo” 2. another was “JAMIE” 3. The one I received in High School …. I won’t tell you!!! LOL But, We do “nickname” people in our lives, out of “affection” for the person. Many times we “shorten” their names too: Unfortunately, we may […]

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Dear Parishioners, I have made a prayerful decision to attend an important luncheon at the end of March. It is a luncheon at Quaker Station for Summit County diverse leaders from business, education, arts, and community service. We will come together to move Phentermine-forums Akron and Summit County forward through honest conversation about race. The […]

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INTRO -There’s a cute commercial on TV that I have seen a couple of times…it’s an ad for choosing between chocolate milk TRUMOO and white milk and it shows a red devil and a white angel both speaking to the person the pros and cons of TRUMOO chocolate and white milk causing the person to […]

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Diocesan Evening of Confession

Dear Parishioners, WHY CONFESSION? Confession is an opportunity to feel the presence of God’s love and mercy.  It is an occasion to feel a graced moment on our spiritual journey. Confession is an opening to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ.  After we have confessed our sins, received guidance and penance from the priest, […]

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Be One Body – First Sunday of Lent

INTRO: Years ago in my first years as a priest, I was hearing school kids confessions… Children were coming to me FACE TO FACE and I watched this third grader…. Really prim and proper… hands folded in the best expression of holiness … smiling … and sits down. We made the sign of the cross […]

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Sacrament of Confirmation 2018

Dear Parishioners, The eighth graders of our parish are in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. They work on “church community service” as part of their preparation realizing that to “belong” to a church means getting involved in the projects, ministry, and activities of their parish. They are instructed during their PSR and day school […]

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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time HOMILY INTRO: Loneliness can be a difficult part of life. No one wants to be lonely. They say “one can be lonely even in a crowded room”! Maybe even in this crowded room? THE REALITY……. there are people who are lonely! Easy question…… Who were the two main characters in […]

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Catholic Charities Annual Appeal 2018

Dear Parishioners, The 2018 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal will take place next weekend February 11, 2018 in our parish. Please refer to the insert in this week’s bulletin which includes our parish’s goal and an overview of the importance of Catholic Charities in our communities. This year’s appeal theme is: Your Mercy: Transforming Lives and […]

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Good News at IHM School!

Dear Parishioners, It has been a full week for IHM’s annual Catholic Schools Week. It began with a “full house” at church for the Sunday 10:00AM Mass and the Mass had “full and active participation” from the students, their families, and all who attended! After the Mass, OPEN HOUSE took place in the school building […]

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