Homilies and Letters

Dear Parishioners, One result of the past GRATEFUL GIVING RENEWAL program was the disclosure by parishioners that they had intentions of naming IHM Church as a beneficiary in their estate planning. That was very gratifying to receive that information, although not disclosing amounts; it still makes me most grateful to know that future generations at […]

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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) INTRO: A young man sought a job position with a MASTER JEWELER. He wanted to become an expert “gemologist” as well, BUT the MASTER JEWELER brushed him off, assuming that the applicant was too young to have the patience demanded to learn the craft. The young man PLEADED for […]

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Christ On The Corner

Dear Parishioners, Christ on the Corner Saturday, April 7th, 2018 is our parish day of service: A new event for lots of participation from you, allowing us to charitably assist the poor in the city! The day will begin as we gather at 9:00am with prayer and praise in the church or outdoor weather permitting. […]

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Epiphany 2017

In 1967 my parents moved us from Lakewood to Fairview Park to what I always refer to Ultram By tramadolonline.net as THE BIG HOUSE which we occupied until last year. When they did that ……they made a decision: “To make new friends” in CHRIST Or As is more typical; “To make new friends in the […]

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Holy Family Sunday 2017

INTRO: I was diagnosed at a very early age with poor eyesight. I used to run around fast and turn corners, but never quite making it and ended up smacking into the door jamb! At one point, they put a SPACE HELMET on me to protect me and finally realized…something wrong with his eyes! The […]

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Funeral Homily for Dave DiGirolamo

David DiGirolamo Funeral Homily Thursday December 28, 2017 6:00pm IHM INTRO:​ When I was at the seminary in my last few years of studying for the priesthood a new priest faculty member joined our seminary. He was quite brilliant, had written books that were published, and sort of let others know that he did all […]

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What’s in a name? Do you know how you got your name? My name is “JAMES EDWARD”. Of course, I am called “Father Jim” by you and some of my family calls me “Jimmy”, some of them spell “Jimmy” with a “Y” at the end and some spell it with an “IE” (don’t ask me […]

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The Beggar’s Bowl

One day a great KING was travelling through his Kingdom when he met an old beggar carrying a large bowl. “What can I do to help you, old man?” “There is nothing you can do for me, sire.” “What do you mean? I am the KING! I possess unlimited power and wealth. I can fulfill […]

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Grateful Giving

Dear Parishioners, Your response to the at home mailings for the GRATEFUL GIVING RENEWAL program that Finance Council and I initiated in early September has helped IHM attend to the growing annual costs of utilities and health care benefits. Your ability to offer more weekly financial support adds up to a 10% discount increase! For […]

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Dear Parishioners, The four weeks of Advent is a time when we prepare to celebrate the expectation of the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.  During this time period of four weeks, we hear at Mass all kinds of prophetic readings about this “coming birth” and  we hear other stories that teach us about living […]

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