Dear Parishioners, The Second Annual Fall Festival, the Rummage Sale, The Quarter Auction, and the Boutique, together, for school operations, brought in a net profit of just under 40,000.00! I am very grateful for all the HARD WORK behind the scenes and all throughout these events of so many volunteers. I want you to know […]

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Dear Parishioners, “Built of Living Stones – Art, Architecture, and Worship” a document produced in 2000 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, is the current and approved document guiding a parish who seeks renovation for church worship space. I would like to form a group of interested parishioners to study with me this […]

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Dear Parishioners, At the direction of the diocesan bishop our posture for liturgy had changed in the recent months from kneeling to standing at the reception of Holy Communion. We learned: During Mass, we assume different postures – standing, kneeling, and sitting. These postures are not merely ceremonial. They have profound meaning when done with […]

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Dear Parishioners, Some of us, over the years, have used the parking lot on Portage Trail, Smerglia Chiropractic, for the Saturday evening Mass, as well as during our Sunday Masses. Smerglia Chiropractic, who owns the building and parking lot, recognizes the limited close parking needs that our IHM church has, and does not want to […]

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Dear Parishioners, What will it be? Nissan Rogue or     $15,000.00! One BIG portion of the 2nd Annual Fall Festival is this car raffle. This is the one major event as part of making money for school operations (as we did in the past with BINGO) that the committee and I are counting on […]

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Dear Parishioners, Everyone knows I enjoy singing at Mass. For me it becomes “full and active participation” as what is taught to all of us in the current liturgy documents and the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. I desire the same for all of you, with bad voices, as well as those with good […]

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Dear Parishioners, Undoubtedly, everyone has heard the phrase, “better together” and perhaps has used this phrase to describe family unity, world peace, or a marriage union. Today, in our diocese and for our Catholic schools, BETTER TOGETHER describes an academic initiative framing the success of students. One example for this special education initiative is helping […]

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Dear Parishioners, “Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord!” THE IHM ORGAN FUND Established in 2018 For your information, not long ago and after the deaths of some choir members, the IHM ORGAN FUND was established here at IHM. The wishes of the deceased were in response to their knowledge that our church organ behind […]

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Dear Parishioners, Our FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE cordially invites you to an underwriting opportunity. All fundraisers have these wonderful friends who recognize the behind-the-scenes hard work and costs of all fundraising events. These underwriting donations help accomplish all the initial necessary costs to put on the festival. In other words, these donations become the “starter costs” […]

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