Dear Parishioners, The McIntyre Fund The Diocesan Tuition Assistance Fund The Bishop’s Scholarship for Excellence Fund The Thomas Moore Family Scholarship Fund The School Employee Tuition Assistance Fund The Ohio Catholic Federal Credit Union I am so grateful to you for continuing to remember that some school families paying catholic education school tuition have financial […]
(Printed in the August 4, 2019 bulletin) Dear Parishioners, Many projects for our buildings and grounds were completed this summer, so far. I am so proud of what we can predict to be taken care of to keep our facility in good shape and at the same time surprised at what we need to do […]
(Printed in July 28, 2019 bulletin) Dear Parishioners, IHM Had a Rented Lift for a Few Weeks In the last few weeks, Dennis Smith, Full Time Maintenance here at IHM, was “mechanically” lifted to the skies to perform various repairs on our buildings having the use of this machine. He is NOT AFRAID OF HEIGHTS! […]
Dear Parishioners, LITURGICAL CHANGE AT IHM MASSES THE STANDING POSTURE YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!! This pastor letter is to remind us that the entire diocese is to unite in a liturgical posture of standing After the Lamb of God, For the singing of the entire communion song, and During the complete distribution of Holy Communion […]
Dear Parishioners, Bishop Robert Barron is the founder of WORD ON FIRE AND CATHOLIC MINISTRIES. He is also the Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, California. He has been a priest for thirty-three years and a bishop for four years. On his own, writing as a Catholic, he published a book most recently Letter to a […]
Dear Parishioners, I have always appreciated the phrase that: CHANGE IS GOOD, BUT, CHANGE IS DIFFICULT! But, I don’t believe there will be any difficulty here at IHM with a NEW CHANGE! At IHM we are experiencing a new change for RCIA and Sacramental Preparation this 2019-2020 year and there is goodness in that change! […]
Dear Parishioners, SAVE THE DATE! The Parish Pastoral Council is planning a “social” night for adult parishioners on Saturday evening (after the 4:30pm Mass) on November 9th, 2019. It is going to be what is called a MURDER MYSTERY DINNER!!!! I know that seems far away, but, it will take some “planning”. The Parish Council […]
Dear Parishioners, Because of the generosity of all parishioners throughout the diocese, the Catholic Charities 2019 Appeal has raised $11,030,397.00! There were a total of 39,719 donors! Their goal was 13.5 million. The annual Appeal is not over. Anyone may contribute at any time. Call Karen Joyce at 1-800-869-6525 x1910 or visit for additional […]
Dear Parishioners, What a great DAY last Saturday, June 8, 2019 was where we held our second annual CHRIST ON THE CORNER “Go out to all the world” What was this all about? It was a parish day of prayer and service to the needy in our area, ourselves included as IHM property was weeded, […]
Dear Parishioners, Mary Murphy has offered herself to our parish for a little over seven years. She has done many things for the people of this parish in regards to faith formation. IHM has received the benefits from many “converts” now participating in the life of the parish, children being well-prepared for their sacraments, parishioners […]