Dear Parishioners, Happy Saint Patrick’s Day and welcome to these continuing 40 days of Lenten retreat. Hope you are all doing well with your Lenten resolutions. Around the corner is an event coming our way, Date Night – To remember why you first fell in love! Jen Ricard has worked beautifully over the last several […]

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Dear Parishioners, I am hoping that parishioners will get behind this wonderful event called… CHRIST ON THE CORNER “Go out to all the world” What is this all about? It is a parish day of prayer, service to the needy in our area, and a pot luck banquet. We will evangelize, possibly make disciples, and […]

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Dear Parishioners, Saint Patrick’s Day Party IHM Life TEEN’s 3rd Annual Fundraiser An evening out is being planned for the adult parish! It will be right here, at the Parish Community Center, on Saturday, March 16, 2019 right after the 4:30pm Mass (DOORS OPEN AT 5:30pm). Entertainment will be provided by the WORLD CLASS Murphy […]

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Lenten Luncheon & Speaker

Dear Parishioners, It is never too early to plan ahead and LENT will begin in just a little over than a week. Ash Wednesday, March 6th, 2019 begins the church’s Lenten season. Then, at IHM, on Sunday, March 10th, 2019, the FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT, Jen Ricard and I have invited my twin brother, Father […]

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IHM School Tuition

Dear Parishioners, Please take note of the two-page document in this bulletin (0217097Flyer_TuitionExplanation) as it describes how I annually set the tuition rate for our school parents and guardians for kindergarten through eighth grade at IHM Elementary School The 2019-2020 tuition rates for the first child will be $4,288.00. There IS a multi-child discount as well. […]

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Catholic Schools Week 2019

Dear Parishioners, This week IHM School community celebrated its Annual Catholic Schools Week! It is a time of the year where gratitude for the many sacrifices parents, stakeholders, and parishioners make to keep Catholic education a reality are uplifted to God in Masses, classroom prayer, appreciation activities, and during faculty and staff lunches. On Monday, […]

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Catholic Charities Annual Appeal 2019

Dear Parishioners, The 2019 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal will take place next weekend in our parish. Please refer to the insert in this week’s bulletin which includes our parish’s goal ($90,357.00!) and an overview of the importance of Catholic Charities in our communities. This year’s appeal theme is Walk in Faith – Give in Joy […]

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Bright Beginnings at IHM School

Dear Parishioners, IHM School has a terrific Pre-School Program for 4 and 5 year olds! The program is titled: BRIGHT BEGINNINGS at IHM SCHOOL! Most recently, in the magazine, Northeast Ohio Parent, our IHM Pre-School was reviewed in the article titled CELEBRATING PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS. The first Pre-School teacher featured in this article was our IHM […]

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Dear Parishioners, It is never too early to plan for BIG EVENTS.  I have always believed BIG Committee – BIG results, SMALL committee – small results! This year the annual FALL FESTIVAL will be Friday, September 27, Saturday, September 28, and Sunday, September 29, 2019. Consider joining Sue Dunbar and Tana Ruester, the CO-CHAIRS of […]

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Hip Surgery for Jeff Mills

Dear Parishioners, Over the last several months, Jeff Mills, our parish Music Director, has been experiencing pain in his right hip, which most recently has INCREASED to almost unbearable! Doctors have advised him to have a hip replacement as soon as possible. Their collective decision is that Jeff would undergo surgery on Thursday, December 27, […]

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