Mass Schedule: September 29-30

Dear Parishioners, I know you are hearing and reading a lot about the first-ever annual Fall Festival. The committee continues to work very hard to put together so many details for this huge event, scheduled for the last weekend in September – Saturday, September 29th and Sunday, September 30th! I also am appreciative of so […]

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Get Your Fall Festival Tickets!

Dear Parishioners, In less than two months is the first ever IHM FALL FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER, raising significant monies to contribute to the operations of the parish day school and keeping tuition at a subsidized and low rate as possible. The committee, consisting of IHM alumni, student parents, and parish members, has been working hard all […]

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Rest in Peace, Father Rathfon

Dear Parishioners, This past week IHM celebrated the funeral mass for Father John Roy Rathfon, pastor emeritus of our parish.  It was a beautiful liturgy, celebrated with over 150 parishioners, 50 some priests, two bishops, and the entire traditional choir!  Many commented how terrific it was and IT WAS a fitting tribute. Father was diagnosed […]

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Keep An Eye on Brick Buildings

Dear Parishioners, I was taught early on in my priesthood from good pastors that it is always important to “keep an eye on” your brick buildings for deteriorating mortar. When mortar is in a weakened condition, it causes moisture to break down the stone or brick masonry wall and possibly cause moisture problems behind it. […]

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A Fresh Look!

Dear Parishioners, A FRESH LOOK! One summer project has begun. A fresh coat of paint is bringing new life to the entrance of our Parish Community Center and our McIntyre Room. Likewise, new carpeting and flooring will also to be added to complete the change. Deluxe vinyl flooring called “Aspen Peak” will be used along […]

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Dear Parishioners, Our FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE cordially invites you to an underwriting opportunity. All fundraisers have these wonderful friends who recognize the behind-the-scenes hard work and costs of all fundraising events. These underwriting opportunity donations help accomplish all the initial necessary costs to put on the festival. In other words, these donations become the “starter […]

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Dear Parishioners, Parishes and parishes with schools are always doing some kind of fundraising. Pastors appreciate the spirit of involvement and the results. At the end of September there will be the first-ever FALL FESTIVAL of this kind bringing together parishioners and residents of the Cuyahoga Falls community. It will be two days of continuous […]

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Planning for IHM Parish

Dear Parishioners, Some “behind the scenes planning” for IHM Parish! I put together in 2011 and 2012 a five-year plan, gleaning from comments many of you made who attended a town hall meeting in August of 2011. The Parish Pastoral Council and I listened to many of you speak about the past and the present […]

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Servants for Christ

Dear Parishioners, Are you or any of your friends, family, or neighbors in need of help? Do you have an elderly neighbor who would appreciate a helping hand? Has there been a recent job loss – ongoing illness – or surgery that keeps them from completing tasks around their home? Let the teens from SERVANTS […]

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Dear Parishioners, Catholic Charities in Summit County is joining the fight against opioid addiction. Thanks to the generosity of United Way of Summit County, the Summit ADM Board and the Catholic Charities Summit County Women’s Board, the staff will be helping individuals and families suffering with addiction. United Way of Summit County has identified, as […]

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