17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
I do not have one of those fit bits, but I know I walk at least 10,000 steps a day!
I have always walked FAST!!!
I remember walking with my mom and dad, sisters and brother to church. We parked in the farthest away parking lot across the street from the church. (Typically we were running late!) I was always several steps ahead of all of them. My MOM would always reach forward and grab me by the arm and say, “You walk too fast for walking with a lady! S L O W D O W N”
Actually, both our mother and father smoked…. So parking across the street and making me slow down actually gave them time to FINISH their cigarettes before getting into church!!! SHAME ON THEM.
“Running around” / “WALKING FAST” through life is a blessing and a curse. YES, We get stuff done. Yes, We accomplish “the
To-do LIST and feel great. But, Our busyness, our extended activities….Just might blind us to the very good that is right in front of us.
Walking fast may cause us to NOT SEE and to NOT SERVE.
Saint Francis of Assis taught his disciples to… “See the lepers” in front of you and he explained to them that seeing people “in your path” (lepers or those we AVOID at all costs) and walking PAST them because they are not in your plan, so to speak, is not CHARITABLE.
I believe Jesus wanted his disciples, his followers, like you and me to better balance all the THINGS that we need to do or we need to get done on our agenda with His plans and HIS LEPERS in our way for what REALLY NEEDS to be done.
You see, when we follow our own agendas (which are necessary) those agendas just may not include HIS agenda……and GOD HAS ONE for each of us, DAILY!!!
And if were running around, walking fast through life, doing only what we feel and know needs to be done… WE ARE GONNA MISS out….. ?
Mass today is about the MULTIPPLICATION OF THE LOAVES AND FISH. It really is a great story…. And it is John the Gospel writer’s way of interpreting that JESUS WILL NOURISH US…. The prize of being Catholic….and break through our minds with His agenda when we celebrate the Mass and take GHOLY COMMUNION.
B A L A N C I N G G O D ‘ S A G E N D A
And realizing the church food that sustains and strengthens you and me is our prize!
God knows we all run around…and NEED Him to help us in that run!
So, “run” if you will, but weekly SLOW DOWN, attend Mass; connect with the unleavened bread, with JESUS CHRIST, in the sacrament of his BODY AND BLOOD!