Baptism of the Lord – January 12, 2020

Baptism of the Lord 2020


I read a story about a husband and wife. Theirs was a longstanding and happy marriage. After Dad died, his daughters and wife had the difficult task of going through his things. Together they gathered up his clothes and belongings, distributing everything to other family members, close friends, and charity. All that remained was his overcoat, hanging in the hallway closet.

The daughters offered to take the coat to GOODWILL, but the mother said, “No, I will take care of that later!” But, she never did!

The daughters offered over the years to take care of the coat for her, but, she always politely refused.

Ten years later the mother died peacefully in her sleep and was found in her bed wearing her husband’s coat!
A beautiful story!!!

What appeared to everyone else as just an overcoat was her way of having her husband stay close to her!

Our Savior Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River and ALL FOUR GOSPELS use a similar description of what took place at His baptism.
1. The spirit descended and rested upon Jesus
2. Alighted upon Jesus
3. Coming upon him like a dove

In other words the Spirit embraced Jesus just like the woman feeling the embrace of her husband by wearing that coat.

So to in our BAPTISM;

the spirit of God embraces us and remains with us ALL THE TIME.

Our busy lives sometimes do not feel that embrace, but guaranteed it is always there.


In Baptism we encounter an open exchange between heaven and earth. “Heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended”. How blessed we all are to have been baptized.

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