Fifth Sunday of Easter Homily – April 28, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Easter (B) 2024


When I worked with my dad around the yard …I got stuck with all the “dirty work”. I felt as if I was HIS SLAVE!!!

He would say: “Get me this.”
“Get me that”
“Pick that up.”
And so, I would.

But I loved the yard work! Still do!

I Like ……. TRIMMING the bushes…. “Cutting back” … re-shaping them.

Today’s imagery is about GOD THE FATHER cutting us back.

WE, THE PEOPLE, the followers of JESUS,

…… grow as the BRANCHES on the vine. We are growing ON JESUS as He is the VINE and sometimes, we grow out of shape and then ………………………………….

……. someone must PRUNE US!!! CUT US BACK!!! FROM GETTING OUT OF shape!!! And that is GOD doing the pruning, the cutting, the re-shaping!

What do you suppose should get pruned from our lives as followers of Jesus??

I want God to cut away, prune my FEARS???

The world around us has “CRAZY” happenings. I know great discouragement and fear of the future comes to many of us just watching, reading, or listening to the news!!!

It does to me … when there is so much verbal and actual violence.

I wonder “What’s happening?” ….. And then I “get out of shape” and lose my faith for a bit. I forget that GOD IS GREAT AND HAS LOVE FOR US even in crazy times. HE DOES LOVE!!!

I was taught long time ago…. When I am fearful, I lack faith! I do not want to be found with fear. I want to be found with FAITH and remain with GOD.

Now, I believe you do not lack faith, I am sure of it, but, sometimes, when you and I become fearful of something, we can forget about our FAITH; and become OVERGROWN and need to be PRUNED BY GOD.


So today…. The VINEGROWER wants to cut back any fears in you and me!!!
CHANGING our lives of the FEARFUL into the FAITHFUL!!!

Certainly, GOD knows how to do it.

Be open to thinking about what FEARS you may have these days and sit with God for a time…allow him to say:

“Remain in ME and bear much fruit as my disciples.”

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