Dear Parishioners,
Your response to the at home mailings for the GRATEFUL GIVING RENEWAL program that Finance Council and I initiated in early September has helped IHM attend to the growing annual costs of utilities and health care benefits. Your ability to offer more weekly financial support adds up to a 10% discount increase! For this we are most grateful.
We knew from the start that not everyone would be able to participate in this program as so many of our parishioners are on fixed incomes. We also knew that IHM had the support and love just the same from these faithful parishioners.
For your information, IHM has annually about 954 families or individuals that are able to financially contribute to the church, attending weekly Mass. Understand that we are a parish that has 2500 families registered. Many of these registered families or individuals are elderly and or are in nursing homes. They are considered a part of IHM even when their circumstances don’t allow them to attend weekly Mass or financially contribute.
Of course, the current times also show that many people do not attend weekly Mass anymore. It is to just these that our evangelization efforts are to be focused. They are still considered parishioners! LOVE GOD MAKE DISCIPLES THROUGH MARY!
Once again, many thanks for your love for the faith and our parish, IHM.
Many blessings,
Father Jim