Holy Communion at Home – Emailed June 23, 2020

Dear Parishioners,

The Coronavirus still remains a mystery and seems, in Summit County Ohio, to be identifying a growing number of cases this month, rather than decreasing! Many of our elderly parishioners and those with underlying conditions still remain quarantined at home, and rightly so.

Because of this, I have invited a few Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to serve our parishioners Holy Communion, who desire it, and remain at home.

Joanne Urbank, our IHM Sacristan, is calling parishioners over the age of seventy-five (75) to check on them and ask if they are willing to receive a minister who would bring Holy Communion to their homes during this month and next.

This ministerial outreach is meant to keep us prayerfully united in the Lord and in touch with one another. I very much want to know how our homebound are persevering during these times.

If you haven’t received a phone call yet or are under the age of 75 and remain at home and desire a prayerful visit by an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion who will wear a mask simply call the Rectory at 330-929-8361 or email Julie at jbowling@ihmcfo.org.

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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