Dear Parishioners,
As you know, our church and our school have had to adapt to the government mandates surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The mass has been changed dramatically and students were forced to finish the last quarter of the 2019-2020 school years remotely. Nevertheless, we carry on and serve our parish and each other with patient and prayerful hope that this pandemic will ease up and we can resume our daily lives without restriction.
It’s back-to-school time and families were given the option to send their children to school five days a week or learn simultaneously from home. While some activities and school events will need to be modified or postponed, one school activity that must go on is fundraising. Under the best of circumstances, school operations’ fundraising is a fundamental need. This year, it is even more significant.
As you know, BINGO was our primary school operations’ fundraiser for many years and for the last two years it was the Fall Festival. Prior to the emergence of the pandemic, I had decided to give the Fall Festival a rest and focus solely on a car raffle for the 2020-2021 school year.
I am happy to report that the Car Raffle plan is in place and here are the details:
- Prize: 2020 Ford Fusion or $15,000 (winner chooses)
- When: Drawing is December 5th, approximately 6:00 pm. Tickets on sale Tuesday, September 1st through Thursday, December 3rd at Noon.
- How Much:Tickets are $20 each
- How: Turn in sold and completed ticket stubs to the Parish Office
- Incentive: For every 5 tickets you sell per month, your name will be in a monthly drawing for $500 (drawings at mass on October 4th, November 8th and before the big drawing on December 5th). Each month starts fresh.
- Perk: A coupon on the back of every ticket for $2 off a smoothie at Smoothie King
The 2020 Ford Fusion, courtesy of Park Ford, will be on display on Portage Trail from September until the drawing. An unlimited number of tickets will be sold.
I am asking all parishioners to help with this very important event. We are mailing 5 tickets to parishioners for your convenience and encouragement. Additional tickets will be available in the parish office during normal office hours.
I thank Park Ford (Mike Iemma, parishioner), Smoothie King (Marwan and Tracey Touma, parishioners) and Ingersoll Landscaping (Chuck and Linda Ingersoll, parishioners) for partnering with us for the benefit of our school.
Many Blessings,
Father Jim Singler