Dear Parishioners,
Summer is fast approaching and while our IHM Elementary School is out capital projects begin.
- Flat roofs (not shingles yet) begin being re-done
a. Church
b. Rectory
c. Convent - Gym floor of the PCC will be refinished
- Concrete sidewalks around the church repaired
- Lillis Drive “apron” into the school lot being repaired
- Lillis Drive sidewalk being repaired
- Wi-Fi in the church being upgraded to assist the new organ and Life Teen Band
- Rectory Conference Room being upgraded with AV equipment
- Church Choir Loft lighting project to enhance the new organ and assist choir members
- Installing the new organ bronze dedication plaque in the Portage Trail entrance of the church
- Positioning the DIVINE MERCY PORTRAIT in the vestibules of the church
- *School ART ROOM will be re-located to the LITERACY ENRICHMENT CLASSROOM where literacy and art will be a combined curriculum for our students
- *School MARTY MEADOWS MAKERSPACE ROOM will be re-located to the PCC McIntyre Room
*Relocating these “specials” rooms assists IHM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL to have two more classrooms: another first-grade classroom and another third-grade classroom. IHM now will have TWO CLASSROOMS per grade.
May your summer projects, whatever they may be, go well.
Many blessings,
Father Jim