Dear Parishioners,
Keeping the Faith is a Diocesan initiative to assist Catholic elementary schools with collaborative efforts made by all parishes, even those without schools. Our collaboration has begun with Saint Eugene, Our Lady of Victory, Holy Family, Saint Joseph, and IHM. The pastors of these five parishes and the two principals have been formed into an Executive Committee to initiate a collaborative strategic plan under the guidance of the Institute for School and Parish Development (ISPD).
All five pastors and the two principals have also identified seven people from their parish/school to become a Steering Committee to educate, facilitate, and implement the new strategic plan in these parishes. Monthly meetings begin this month and continue until February 2024.
IHM Steering Committee members are:
- Jeff Andrea
- Julie Bowling
- Valerie Wax Carr
- Jennifer Conti
- Jim King
- Dan Maltempi
- Melinda McIlroy
You know as well as I the importance of each parish to promote catholic education, even those parishes without schools. IHM has always had the support of Saint Eugene and Our Lady of Victory, sending their parishioners to our school and in the last several years to either Holy Family or Saint Joseph.
This Keeping the Faith Initiative is going to “broaden” that support. Pray for this initiative to be most successful.
Many blessings,
Father Jim