Dear Parishioners,
Once again, I remind you about the great deal of maintenance projects which have been completed so far, this late spring and early summer. The flat roofs on the PCC and the Church have been REPAIRED while the flat roofs of the Rectory, Convent, and Priest Sacristy have been REPLACED!
With the help of Eagle Scout Johnny Stewart, the Church Hall will be repainted this late summer. Also, a complete refurbishing of the Church Hall Kitchen, Restroom, stair treads, painted stairwell, and electronic upgrade will be done by a qualified general contractor. David Pelligra, Architect, has helped us get this contract.
There has been an LED light conversion in the PCC (GYM) and an airduct cleaning. Wall hanging mats in the PCC have been sanitized.
The parking lot has been striped.
There has been a slow transformation in the convent with painted walls, entrances, stairwells, electronic upgrades in the Knights Room, and new carpeting throughout.
In process are the two church air conditioning units, a hearing loop for the remainder of the church (east and west wings), and security cameras for the Rectory.
Happy vegetable and flower gardens have been planted, as well.
We have a beautiful campus and many hands make light work!
Many blessings,
Father Jim