Dear Parishioners,
This weekend is not only the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, but a most special weekend where IHM sentimentally recalls the deceased of this past year.
The death of a loved one is never easy on us, and we want the church to uphold their memory at the 10:00am Mass this weekend and comfort their family who have been invited to attend.
The Mass of Remembrance on Sunday, November 5th at 10:00am, will also provide a memorial candle to the families of our deceased. This Mass is meant to remind families that our parish church cares for them and understands their loss and the important need for Christ to embrace their sadness and walk with them.
“May eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.”
Many blessings,
Father Jim
John Abbott
Margaret Aceto
Mark Anthony
Loretta Arconti
Nancy Baker
Christine Marie Bane
Regina Barnes
Carol Baumann
Louise Bergreen
Mary Lou Bolanz
Charles Brady
Rita Breiding
Janet Casteel
Richard Casto
Anne Clark
Virginia Como
Rose Mary Conti
Carmel DiLauro
Patricia Dougherty
Frank Fearon
Mary Godward
Peggy Gotter
Dennis Griffith
Rosemarie Gullo
Mary Haidnick
Michael Heinl
Raymond Heller
Joanne Hijazi
George Huffman
David Igleheart
Martin Drew Karas
Phyllis Keen
Richard Keller
Diane Kilroy
Cecilia Kitska
Valerie Kriz
Herbert Krompass
Carol Kuenzli
Donna LaCasella
Janice “Johna” Large
Joe Latona
Lois Loney
Edward Marsh
Nancy Ann Marzano
Carol Matheny
Betty Melesky
Gayle Miller
Angelo Minocchi
Francis Moles
Timothy Moles
Adelia Molla
Nancy Mondozzi
Mark Nixon
Mary Peterson
Mary Petrilla
Edwin John Sadon Jr.
Salvatore Sedita
Anne Spracklen
Kristopher Spracklen
Linda Perrin Taylor