Pastor Letter – New Staff Member – Emailed June 28, 2024

Dear Parishioners,

Beginning in July, IHM will have one full time catechist for the OCIA ministry (formerly referred as RCIA) and this individual will also be a Director of Catholic Identity for IHM Elementary School.

Please welcome MARY ANN LOVE!

As mentioned, this position will have a two-fold responsibility for the development and implementation of the parish OCIA program, educating and preparing candidates for reception of the Sacraments and full initiation into the Catholic Faith while also promoting a continued catholic identity for our elementary school. I look at this portion of her ministry as “like a campus minister” for our grade school!

Mary Ann looks forward to beginning our OCIA program (Order for Christian Initiation for Adults,) formerly known as RCIA, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.

Likewise, she will be the promoter of Catholic identity and culture within the school including Liturgical Living, Environment/Art/Décor, and planning for Seasons, Feast Days, Special Masses, Prayer Services. She will collaborate with the principal and teachers in planning and implementing religion lessons across the grade levels as well as, enhance and lead prayer opportunities for faculty, staff and students including retreat experiences and days of service.

Our catholic faith is so precious, and it is always extremely exciting to bring others into full initiation into our faith. We have not had a staff person to do OCIA for two years. I am grateful to God to have found someone like Mary Ann and add to her ministry this campus minister responsibility in our elementary school.

If anyone reading this knows of someone who would be desiring to become catholic please reach out to Mary Ann, or call the parish office 330-929-8361.

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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