Singing at Mass – Emailed May 15, 2020


Getting ready for the two Masses on Sunday May 31st, 2020 has a bit of a SURPRISE. I just was made aware of some new developments for the safety and good health of people in a large spiritual gathering. It has to do with singing; there CANNOT BE SINGING! A full and detailed explanation of this is found on the diocesan website.

As sad as it sounds, it makes sense, but, I’m disappointed as I love singing. Through patient endurance we will get charitably by!

Anyway, Jeff Mills, Jeff and Kira Andrea will rise to the occasion with instrumental music for the 10:00 am and 4:30 pm Masses. Our Masses in the future when we are in a large spiritual gathering will provide you with restful listening for a different and acceptable kind of liturgical experience.

More developments will come to you as to the designated doorways and procedures for entering the church, seating capacity numbers, communion lines, and dismissal.

Many Blessings,
Father Jim

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