32 Sunday in Ordinary Time 2023 (A)
Most people “jump the gun” when this Gospel is read and most people, at first, wonder why the wise “virgins” did not share their oil with the foolish ones to keep their torches burning??? They are thinking:
Let me explain…
The “OIL” is nothing tangible. Remember this story starts out by Jesus saying, “I am going to tell you a “parable”!
So, the OIL is a “symbol, or image” in this PARABLE…. OIL means …….
for whatever keeps a person burning brightly.
Why would the wise virgins want to give away what’s burning inside them?
The UN-WISE virgins are people who in modern day words are called “slackers”!
You may know people like that. They are people who AVOID “work” or effort.
They do nothing to keep “their torches” burning. They rely on someone else to do what they should be doing.
They are the lazy ones, apathetic ones, who may want everything but do nothing to achieve anything.
They should be like the wise virgins “giving” to the poor, clothing the naked, having mercy on others, not judging their brothers or sisters, and doing all they can to make peace instead of war.
And when one does not live this way then it is easy for the parable to read: “Their lights went out” and end with: … “The door was locked” … and …
So, keep your lights burning brightly. Be prepared and do all that you can living your life as Jesus taught.
I will tell you, since coming to IHM I have seen MANY, MANY, lights burning brightly in you. It is GOD and church THAT nourishes you and assists you to keep your torches burning brightly.
Our world needs all of you and your actions that are Catholic, Christian, loving and kind.