Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily – August 25, 2024

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time


At an early age, RESPONSIBILITY WAS TAUGHT. My responsibility was taking on the cleaning of the basement. In other words, I was expected to clean the FOUNDATION of our home!

When my father was a newlywed and found out that they were having TWINS… he needed to take on a second job…. He did so with a HOME BUILDER and his job was putting in FOUNDATIONS for homes on the west side of Cleveland.

FOUNDATIONS for homes ARE PRETTY IMPORTANT both to keep clean and to be made well.

They do not get that way without the proper people doing the cleaning and construction.

Peter was the builder of the foundation of our church, and we are the ones to “keep it clean.”

We are the ones to maintain what was “constructed” in those apostolic times of over two thousand years ago.

Fidelity to the Sacraments is one excellent way to maintain the church. This shows our love for God in His mysterious ways by often participating and celebrating the sacraments when we are able.

Another effective way to maintain the church foundation is by peacefully loving all our brothers and sisters, no matter what race or creed one professes. This will help make disciples and help create a more unified community. Jesus always wanted UNITY – COMMUNITY between ALL, not divisions, discriminations, and violent cruelty.

When Jesus was tested several times by the Pharisees and Sadducees and scribes of the law, they always asked him which was the greatest of all commandments.

His answer was.

Love God and
Love your neighbor.


These were the greatest of all commandments and it assists us in taking care of this FOUNDATION on which Peter built. For, to whom shall we go? Jesus has the words of ETERNAL LIFE.

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