A Note from Fr. Jim – Emailed August 12, 2021

Dear Parishioners,

Hope this greeting finds all of you well, especially during hot August 2021! I enjoyed a few days away the first week in August and am re-charged, rested, and relaxed. I have been blessed with a “house on a pond” surrounded by woods in a quiet part of Chardon, Ohio; not too far away!

I have just begun my 11th year here being your pastor and I have been meaning to let you know how grateful I am to be serving you here at IHM and how grateful I am over these years concerning your financial generosity to IHM, to the Ministry for the Needy, to Catholic Charities, and most recently to the Heart of a Shepherd Campaign.

As far as my life here, you allow me to lead you in spiritual ways and community building ways and are grateful to me for what is going on. I enjoy priesthood and being a pastor with a school. It is heartwarming for me to celebrate Mass with you every day. Thank you for accepting me and sustaining me.

Likewise, you have come through sacrificially well for the operations of our parish with a day school. Anytime I have asked for your financial support (I do try to keep it minimal) you exceed the goal! Doing so I can offer sufficient sustenance to those in need, whether at Catholic Charities or the Ministry for the Needy. I can pay the bills and salaries of our carefully watched operations. Thank you so very much for your personal sacrificial gift to the church.

As our finance council looks forward to the best operations of our church with a school, as in almost everything, prices increase and another humble request from you to increase a bit may be imminent, but not required.

We will keep you informed.

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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