Pastor Letter – Parish Updates – Emailed November 18, 2022

Dear Parishioners,

As mid-November is upon us, I want to make you aware of a few items:

Earlier this month we had the church ceiling fans lowered and washed. I had let that go for too long and so I will try and keep them as clean as I can in the future. It must be on a day without the need for late morning masses (school masses), funerals, or adoration.
Later this month, when the leaves are all “down” from the trees, gutters on all our buildings will be cleaned out!! As you may know this prevents leaks when water (melting ice and snow) can flow through the gutters to the drains.
Flat roofs on the Parish Community Center will be repaired.
After interviewing three different diocesan approved companies to both maintain and be on call in emergencies for our HVAC units, we employed the Geopfert Company. They will begin this month servicing all our units.
IHM School has 307 students in kindergarten through eighth grade and there are two classrooms per grade with approximately 17 students per classroom. There are 20 little ones in our Pre-K.
Our students and families of the PSR program are enjoying new teachers, new programing, and new timing. All is going well.
RCIA has a wonderful team working together with Amy Aloisi and there are five candidates desiring communion with the catholic church.

Like many of you, there is never a dull moment. We have a great parish and school life.

Many blessings,
Father Jim

P.S. – Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!

The confidence that our eternity is secure regardless of what happens should color our every interaction. It allows us to be loving when others are hateful, kind when others are angry, and feel peace in our days, experiencing gratitude.

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