Homilies and Letters

Christmas Eve Mass – December 24, 2018

Christmas – Mass at Midnight (ABC) INTRO:​AHHHH  CHRISTMAS!  Merry Christmas everybody! Every year at Christmas, people everywhere are giving gifts (but I should say..for the most part people everywhere …….  we have to remember OUR WORLD DOES HAVE unbelievers and the indigent…. Let us BE MINDFUL OF THEM TONIGHT!  We pray …. May God protect […]

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Third Sunday in Advent © INTRO: 1. Empty the dishwasher 2. Take out the Garbage 3. Clean your room 4. Walk the dog These are the typical “kid chores” at home!!! Kids are supposed to do these, for the most part, without having to be told. It teaches them responsibility by “belonging to a family […]

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Second Sunday of Advent © INTRO: I had to ask myself…….. What’s the BIG DEAL in this reading with mentioning all the reigning governors and tetrarchs? What is LUKE doing? BASICALLY……….. It’s like setting the stage with all the “actors” on which JESUS will act. Jesus will intermingle with all these “actors” throughout his public […]

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Immaculate Conception © Homily INTRO: How many of you have BROTHERS OR SISTERS??? I am sure many of you do! I have THREE SISTERS and ONE BROTHER. Remember the ONE BROTHER is my twin!!! And he’s a priest as well. My brother’s name is JOHNNY! Is there anyone here whose name is …. John??? Well, […]

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First Sunday of Advent © INTRO: I went to the seminary for HIGH SCHOOL, which meant I attended a boarding school for my HIGH SCHOOL days. At 14, I left home and went to live at Borromeo, coming home for a THANKSGIVING, Christmas, and Easter holiday only to go back to the seminary. I LOVED […]

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Hip Surgery for Jeff Mills

Dear Parishioners, Over the last several months, Jeff Mills, our parish Music Director, has been experiencing pain in his right hip, which most recently has INCREASED to almost unbearable! Doctors have advised him to have a hip replacement as soon as possible. Their collective decision is that Jeff would undergo surgery on Thursday, December 27, […]

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33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) INTRO: The other day early in the morning I was driving WEST. I noticed the other drivers, who were driving EAST, right into the rising sun…. they were all wearing SUNGLASSES!!! VERY SMART of them….. Because they wanted to SEE!!! Isn’t that true of all of us…..???? We want […]

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Best Advent Ever

Dear Parishioners, I’d like to invite you to join me and our fellow parishioners for the BEST ADVENT EVER! It is a free email program from Dynamic Catholic. Yes, it means using a desktop computer, tablet, iPhone, smartphone, or iPad. WHAT IS BEST ADVENT EVER? HOW DOES IT WORK? Once again, it’s a free email […]

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IHM Parish Christmas Party!

Dear Parishioners, Parties bring out the “fun” in us and the “joy of life”. So, LET’S PARTY! I am going on my 8th CHRISTMAS here at IHM and we have NEVER really had a parish PARTY, so, in an effort to bring about more socializing and community spirit I am inviting you to a CHRISTMAS […]

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Dear Parishioners, I am pleased to offer to all of you, this weekend, the Annual REPORT ON PARISH LIFE for the fiscal year of July 2017 through June 2018.  They are distributed at the ends of the pews.  They also will be found in the news racks by all of our entrances, at the Rectory, […]

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