Dear Parishioners, At any parish, RCIA is a very important ministry for others who are seeking to develop their spiritual life with Jesus, through the catholic church. IHM has always had a trained lay catechist to assist this ministry of others’ conversion. There are specific codes in Canon Law that a parish follows. Here they […]

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Dear Parishioners, The annual sacramental life for our young people is always important, relevant, and necessary for the continued active life of a parish. I’m referring to the sacraments of initiation after baptism; First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. In our parish, children at the age of reason (7years of age) decide if confession, holy […]

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Dear Parishioners, It’s back-to-school time and one important school activity that must go on is fundraising. Under the best of circumstances, school operations’ fundraising is a fundamental need. This year, it is even more significant and so I introduce to you once again the IHM elementary school’s third annual car raffle. As you remember, BINGO […]

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Dear Parishioners, Hope this greeting finds all of you well, especially during hot August 2021! I enjoyed a few days away the first week in August and am re-charged, rested, and relaxed. I have been blessed with a “house on a pond” surrounded by woods in a quiet part of Chardon, Ohio; not too far […]

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Dear Parishioners, Here we go again! Out of love for others and because of the resurging and new variants of the virus IHM Church will: Need our sanitization teams back after the Masses beginning this weekend. Provide masks at the doors of the church for anyone unvaccinated or vaccinated to consider wearing a mask. Keep […]

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Dear Parishioners, Eucharistic Adoration has been a part of IHM for over a generation, dating back to approximately 1990. These days Eucharistic adoration is on Wednesdays after the 8:00am Mass until Reposition at 5:00pm. I am calling to your attention that at various points of the day there is no one in adoration. Being responsible […]

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Dear Parishioners, Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!  How many of you homeowners find necessary maintenance surprises and or unexpected issues in the upkeep and maintenance of your homes?  Growing up my parents always seemed to have some issue of great expense in the month of August.  I don’t know why it was in that month, but it […]

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Dear Parishioners, “A smokin’ time was had by all!” Deacon Joe Menkhaus comes from a large family of 10. His mom, Christy and his dad, Joe have eight children; Deacon Joe being their first born! I invited the family over to the Rectory a few weeks ago to get to know them over a SMOKED […]

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