Pastor Letter – Discipleship on the Rock – Emailed June 30

Dear Parishioners,

“Discipleship On the Rock” is coming to you this summer!

We all know that Jesus did not die for a powerless church, but sometimes it feels that way, doesn’t it?
Would you like to see our parish more fully alive?
The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, but is there more to our faith than just going to Mass?
Do you feel that your faith is stagnant and that you would like to live out your Catholic faith more fully?

If you answered yes to any or all these questions, then you just may want to check out Discipleship on the Rock! It was created just for you!

What exactly is this new program? “Discipleship on the Rock” will be a social, educational, conversational evening for everyone; young and old and in between; (21-88!) for anyone who wants to see their faith come alive and rekindle that first love that you had for Jesus and His Church.

Being a disciple simply means living in the fullness of our Catholic/Christian identity, so we will cover a variety of topics on growing in our identity, coming to know the love of the Father, the mission that Jesus has given us, and how to accomplish that mission in our daily lives.

We will follow the presentations with Q&A discussions. Bring a hors d’ oeuvre to share and your favorite beverage.

Our Summer session of “Discipleship on the Rock” begins Sunday, July 9th and goes through Sunday, August 13th We will meet each Sunday at 5:30pm at the outdoor picnic tables near the field. If there is inclement weather we will meet in the All Purpose Room.

Many blessings,
Father Jim


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