Pastor Letter – – Emailed April 5, 2023

Dear Parishioners,

Welcome to the Easter Season! God rewards us, with His mercy and salvation in the person of the risen Jesus Christ. May all of you experience grace, redemption, and joy!

A reminder to all IHM parishioners this Easter Season! It is a Catholic on-line subscription offering much about our Catholic faith. It is titled: F O R M E D. org  & offers movies, enlightening programs, inspirational talks, and a broad selection of popular E-books! IHM pays for this subscription.

F O R M E D. org is a revolutionary online platform featuring the best Catholic Catechism and Personal Faith Formation and is at the fingertips of every parishioner anywhere, anytime, on computers, tablets, or phones.

It is a reliable website produced by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press. Many people say to me, “Where can I get good Catholic information or teachings?”  This is one answer for those of you who want to deepen your knowledge about the church and grow in your own personal spiritual lives.

Simply visit and sign-up! Happy Easter!

Many blessings,
Father Jim

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