Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily – September 3, 2023

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 2023

A teacher was explaining the STATIONS OF THE CROSS to her class.
She got to the FOURTH STATION where Jesus meets his mother Mary on the road to Calvary.
She explained that Mary and JESUS were not allowed to SPEAK TO EACH OTHER
That MOTHER AND SON spoke with their eyes!!!!

Then the teacher asked the students: “Well, what do you think they said to each other with their eyes?”

One child suggested that the Blessed Mother said with her eyes:

I liked that one extremely well!

Children say “sometimes” the cleverest things!!
Rabbi Harold Kushner in his book WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE

He says: “There is not one of us who are without a cross, and …….. They are all different, all heavy!”

Our Gospel tells all of us…to keep on going with the crosses we have!

Our Gospel speaks to the entire world…. Having crosses!!!
• People experiencing discrimination
• People having destruction and rioting ruin their livelihood
• people experiencing fires burning and hurricanes blowing.

CROSSES are tough!

AND…..they are the toughest when we DON’T KNOW WHY we have the ones we have!

Many of your crosses I know get heavier and heavier!! Some of you have more than you can bear it seems. Crosses, it seems …….. ADD UP too.

I’m not going to be able to tell you in any reasonable way WHY you and I have these crosses to carry.

But, I am going to tell you to keep imitating JESUS in carrying them. KEEP ON GOING with the Eucharist and prayer as your impetus, incentive and motivation.


You and I have the POWER which comes from our HOLY COMMUNION. That is exactly why we gather here, crosses and all.

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