Homilies and Letters

Dear Parishioners, Liturgically the whole church ends its worship cycle “B” this weekend and begins a new liturgical worship year with the first Sunday of Advent. During this new beginning of the worship cycle “C” many of our weekend liturgies proclaim the holy Gospel of Luke. As a reminder, there are three liturgical worship cycles […]

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Dear Parishioners, The Knights of Columbus once again will be asking for your donated goods beginning this week until December 15th to: Help the Homeless benefitting the Peter Maurin Center I am incredibly grateful for their initiative to perform this corporal work of mercy (“clothe the naked” and “feed the poor”) for our IHM parishioners […]

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31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) INTRO: Last weekend was the celebration of HALLOWEEN! Typically, one dresses up as another character, another character than themselves to go trick or treating. Like the character of SPIDER MAN, RAGEDY ANN and so on. It is amazing what kinds of costumes there are!!! So, let us talk a […]

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Dear Parishioners, I understand that in the last two weeks during the 10:00am Sunday Mass you found political fliers on your cars. I did not authorize that. The catholic church has a prohibition of making statements of support or opposition for a particular candidate, political party, or political action committees at any parish events (including […]

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30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 2024 INTRO: It was an early diagnosis for me that my RIGHT EYE is “lazy.” They called it: amblyopia. People also have other kinds of eye problems that are far worse than lazy eyes and some have PHYSICAL BLINDNESS! But there is also: SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS that I believe this […]

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Dear Parishioners, I am sure you are aware of the delicate topic of politics and voting choices. The catholic church has a prohibition of making statements of support or opposition for a particular candidate, political party, or political action committees at any parish events (including Mass) or appear in any parish publication, parish operated website […]

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Dear Parishioners, $750.00 or $1,500.00 ANGEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Diocese of Cleveland I am very aware of the many requests for donations that all of us receive, and sometimes for many of us daily through US mail from various religious communities and civil organizations! Everywhere there is much-needed financial assistance for operations. And, in these days […]

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Dear Parishioners, OCIA (formerly RCIA, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) stands for Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. This ministry is taking place currently here at IHM with the guidance and leadership of our Pastoral Associate, Mary Ann Love. Many times, throughout the year individuals call the rectory having been inspired with the desire […]

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